
We are currently working on the update of the slides for the 2nd Edition. The slides of the 1st Edition still are available here. They summarize the contents of each of the book chapters and are well suited for class room use. The slides can be used free of charge. If they are modified, appropriate credits to the book authors must remain within the slides. For instructors, Power Point versions of the slides are available from the authors upon request (

It is not permitted to reproduce parts or all of the slides in printed form without written consent by the authors.


The 25 lectures give a comprehensive introduction to modern applied crypto. Only high school math is required to follow the lectures. The videos are mostly self-contained, i.e., you should be able to follow most of the material without additional resources. However, we recommend the course textbook, “Understanding Cryptography” by Christof Paar, Jan Pelzl and Tim Güneysu. The crypto lectures were taught at Ruhr University Bochum in Germany. We have Europe’s largest programs in IT security, with annually 200+ new bachelor and master students. The videos show the two-semester introductory courses for our B.Sc. and the M.Sc. IT security students.